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🧰 Using the API

The API gives you finer-grained control over the CLI, allowing you to dispatch events to workers without making actual HTTP requests. This makes it great for writing tests, or advanced use cases.


Miniflare is installed using npm:

$ npm install -D miniflare


In all future examples, we'll assume Node.js is running in ES module mode. You can do this by setting the type field in your package.json:

"type": "module"

To initialise Miniflare, import the Miniflare class from miniflare:

import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
script: `
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
event.respondWith(new Response("Hello Miniflare!"));
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/");
console.log(await res.text()); // Hello Miniflare!

The rest of these docs go into more detail on configuring specific features.

String and File Scripts

Note in the above example we're specifying script as a string. We could've equally put the script in a file such as worker.js, then used the scriptPath property instead:

const mf = new Miniflare({
scriptPath: "worker.js",

Watching, Reloading and Disposing

You can watch scripts, .env, package.json and wrangler.toml files with the watch option. When this is enabled, you must dispose of the watcher when you're done with the Miniflare instance:

const mf = new Miniflare({
watch: true,
// ...
await mf.dispose();

You must also dispose if you're persisting KV, cache, or Durable Object data in Redis to close opened connections.

You can also manually reload scripts (main and Durable Objects') and options (.env, package.json and wrangler.toml) with reload:

const mf = new Miniflare({ ... });
await mf.reload();

Miniflare will emit a reload event whenever it reloads too:

const mf = new Miniflare({ ... });
mf.addEventListener("reload", (event) => {
console.log("Worker reloaded!");

Updating Options and the Global Scope

You can use the setOptions method to update the options of an existing Miniflare instance. This accepts the same options object as the new Miniflare constructor, applies those options, then reloads the worker.

const mf = new Miniflare({
script: "...",
kvNamespaces: ["TEST_NAMESPACE"],
bindings: { KEY: "value1" },
// Only updates `bindings`, leaves `script` and `kvNamespaces` alone
await mf.setOptions({
bindings: { KEY: "value2" },

You can also access the global scope of the sandbox directly using the getGlobalScope method. Ideally, use should use the setOptions method when updating the environment dynamically, as Miniflare creates a new global scope each reload, so your changes will be lost:

const mf = new Miniflare({
globals: { KEY: "value1" },
const globalScope = await mf.getGlobalScope();
globalScope.KEY = "value2";

Dispatching Events

dispatchFetch and dispatchScheduled dispatch fetch and scheduled events to workers respectively:

import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
script: `
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
event.respondWith(new Response(event.request.headers.get("X-Message")));
addEventListener("scheduled", (event) => {
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/", {
headers: { "X-Message": "Hello Miniflare!" },
console.log(await res.text()); // Hello Miniflare!
console.log((await res.waitUntil())[0]); // http://localhost:8787/
const waitUntil = await mf.dispatchScheduled(1000);
console.log(waitUntil[0]); // 1000

See 📨 Fetch Events and ⏰ Scheduled Events for more details.

HTTP Server

To start an HTTP server like the CLI's, use the startServer method. This returns a Node.js http.Server instance:

import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
script: `
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
event.respondWith(new Response("Hello Miniflare!"));
port: 5000,
const server = await mf.startServer();
console.log("Listening on :5000");

You can also just create the server with createServer and start it yourself. Note that you're then responsible for setting the correct host and port:

const mf = new Miniflare({
script: "...",
port: 5000,
const server = await mf.createServer();
const { HTTPPlugin } = await mf.getPlugins();
server.listen(HTTPPlugin.port, () => {
console.log(`Listening on :${HTTPPlugin.port}`);

Request#cf Object

By default, Miniflare will fetch the Request#cf object from a trusted Cloudflare endpoint. You can disable this behaviour, using the cfFetch option:

const mf = new Miniflare({
cfFetch: false,

You can also provide a custom request metadata provider, which takes the incoming Node request and may look-up information in a geo-IP database:

const mf = new Miniflare({
async metaProvider(req) {
return {
forwardedProto: req.headers["X-Forwarded-Proto"],
realIp: req.headers["X-Forwarded-For"],
cf: {
// Could get these from a geo-IP database
colo: "SFO",
country: "US",
// ...

HTTPS Server

To start an HTTPS server instead, set the https option. To use an automatically generated self-signed certificate, set https to true. This certificate will be valid for 30 days and be cached in ./.mf/cert by default. You can customise this directory by setting https to a string path instead. The certificate will be renewed if it expires in less than 2 days:

const mf = new Miniflare({
https: true, // Cache certificate in ./.mf/cert
https: "./cert_cache", // Cache in ./cert_cache instead

To load an existing certificate from the file system:

const mf = new Miniflare({
// These are all optional, you don't need to include them all
httpsKeyPath: "./key.pem",
httpsCertPath: "./cert.pem",
httpsCaPath: "./ca.pem",
httpsPfxPath: "./pfx.pfx",
httpsPassphrase: "pfx passphrase",

To load an existing certificate from strings instead:

const mf = new Miniflare({
// These are all optional, you don't need to include them all
httpsKey: "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...",
httpsCert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
httpsCa: "...",
httpsPfx: "...",
httpsPassphrase: "pfx passphrase",

If both a string and path are specified for an option (e.g. httpsKey and httpsKeyPath), the string will be preferred.

CRON Scheduler

To start a CRON scheduler like the CLI's, use the startScheduler method. This will dispatch scheduled events according to the specified CRON expressions:

const mf = new Miniflare({
crons: ["30 * * * *"],
const scheduler = await mf.startScheduler();
// ...
// Stop dispatching events
await scheduler.dispose();


By default, [mf:*] logs as seen in the CLI are disabled when using the API. To enable these, set the log property to an instance of the Log class. Its only parameter is a log level indicating which messages should be logged:

import { Miniflare, Log, LogLevel } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
scriptPath: "worker.js",
log: new Log(LogLevel.DEBUG), // Enable --debug messages

Arbitrary Globals

The globals property can be used to inject arbitrary objects into the global scope of the sandbox. This can be very useful for testing:

import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
script: `
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
event.respondWith(new Response(greet("Miniflare")));
globals: {
greet: (name) => `Hello ${name}!`,
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/");
console.log(await res.text()); // Hello Miniflare!


import { Miniflare, Log, LogLevel } from "miniflare";
const mf = new Miniflare({
// All options are optional, but one of script or scriptPath is required
log: new Log(LogLevel.INFO), // Logger Miniflare uses for debugging
sourceMap: true, // Enable source map support globally
script: `export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
return new Response("Hello Miniflare!");
scriptPath: "./index.mjs",
wranglerConfigPath: true, // Load configuration from wrangler.toml
wranglerConfigPath: "./wrangler.custom.toml", // ...or custom wrangler.toml path
wranglerConfigEnv: "dev", // Environment in wrangler.toml to use
packagePath: true, // Load script from package.json
packagePath: "./package.custom.json", // ...or custom package.json path
modules: true, // Enable modules
modulesRules: [
// Modules import rule
{ type: "ESModule", include: ["**/*.js"], fallthrough: true },
{ type: "Text", include: ["**/*.text"] },
compatibilityDate: "2021-11-23", // Opt into backwards-incompatible changes from
compatibilityFlags: ["formdata_parser_supports_files"], // Control specific backwards-incompatible changes
upstream: "", // URL of upstream origin
watch: true, // Watch files for changes
mounts: {
// Mount additional named workers
api: "./api",
site: {
rootPath: "./site", // Path to resolve files relative to
scriptPath: "./index.js", // Resolved as ./site/index.js
sitePath: "./public", // Resolved as ./site/public
routes: ["**"], // Route requests matching ** to this worker
name: "worker", // Name of service
routes: ["*"], // Route requests matching * to parent over mounts
logUnhandledRejections: true, // Log unhandled promise rejections instead of crashing
globalAsyncIO: true, // Allow async I/O outside handlers
globalTimers: true, // Allow setting timers outside handlers
globalRandom: true, // Allow secure random generation outside handlers
acutalTime: true, // Always return current time from ``/`new Date()`
inaccurateCpu: true, // Log experimental, highly-inaccurate CPU time measurements with each request
host: "", // Host for HTTP(S) server to listen on
port: 8787, // Port for HTTP(S) server to listen on
https: true, // Enable self-signed HTTPS (with optional cert path)
httpsKey: "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...",
httpsKeyPath: "./key.pem", // Path to PEM SSL key
httpsCert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...",
httpsCertPath: "./cert.pem", // Path to PEM SSL cert chain
httpsCa: "...",
httpsCaPath: "./ca.pem", // Path to SSL trusted CA certs
httpsPfx: "...",
httpsPfxPath: "./pfx.pfx", // Path to PFX/PKCS12 SSL key/cert chain
httpsPassphrase: "pfx passphrase", // Passphrase to decrypt SSL files
cfFetch: "./node_modules/.mf/cf.json", // Path for cached Request cf object from Cloudflare
async metaProvider(req) {
// Custom request metadata provider taking Node `http.IncomingMessage`
return {
forwardedProto: req.headers["X-Forwarded-Proto"],
realIp: req.headers["X-Forwarded-For"],
cf: {
colo: "SFO",
country: "US",
// ...
liveReload: true, // Reload HTML pages whenever worker is reloaded
crons: ["30 * * * *"], // CRON expression for triggering scheduled events
buildCommand: "npm run build", // Command to build project
buildBasePath: "./build", // Working directory for build command
buildWatchPaths: ["./src"], // Directory to watch for rebuilding on changes
kvNamespaces: ["TEST_NAMESPACE"], // KV namespace to bind
kvPersist: "./kv-data", // Persist KV data (to optional path)
r2Buckets: ["BUCKET"], // R2 bucket to bind
r2Persist: "./r2-data", // Persist R2 data (to optional path)
durableObjects: {
// Durable Object to bind
TEST_OBJECT: "TestObject", // className
API_OBJECT: { className: "ApiObject", scriptName: "api" },
durableObjectsPersist: "./durable-objects-data", // Persist Durable Object data (to optional path)
durableObjectsAlarms: false, // Enable default/named Durable Object alarms (enabled by default)
cache: false, // Enable default/named caches (enabled by default)
cachePersist: "./cache-data", // Persist cached data (to optional path)
cacheWarnUsage: true, // Warn on cache usage, for subdomains
sitePath: "./site", // Path to serve Workers Site files from
siteInclude: ["**/*.html", "**/*.css", "**/*.js"], // Glob pattern of site files to serve
siteExclude: ["node_modules"], // Glob pattern of site files not to serve
envPath: true, // Load environment variables from .env
envPath: "./env.custom", // ...or custom .env path
bindings: { SECRET: "sssh" }, // Binds variable/secret to environment
globals: { LOG: () => console.log("magic") }, // Binds variable/secret to global scope
wasmBindings: { ADD_MODULE: "./add.wasm" }, // WASM module to bind
textBlobBindings: { TEXT: "./text.txt" }, // Text blob to bind
dataBlobBindings: { DATA: "./data.bin" }, // Data blob to bind
await mf.reload(); // Reload scripts and configuration files
await mf.setOptions({ kvNamespaces: ["TEST_NAMESPACE2"] }); // Apply options and reload
const globalScope = await mf.getGlobalScope(); // Get sandbox's global scope
const bindings = await mf.getBindings(); // Get bindings (KV/Durable Object namespaces, variables, etc)
const exports = await mf.getModuleExports(); // Get exports from entry module
const mount = await mf.getMount("api"); // Get mounted MiniflareCore instance
await mount.getBindings();
// Dispatch "fetch" event to worker
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/", {
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer ..." },
const text = await res.text();
const resWaitUntil = await res.waitUntil(); // Get `waitUntil`ed promises
// Dispatch "scheduled" event to worker
const waitUntil = await mf.dispatchScheduled(, "30 * * * *");
const TEST_NAMESPACE = await mf.getKVNamespace("TEST_NAMESPACE");
const BUCKET = await mf.getR2Bucket("BUCKET");
const caches = await mf.getCaches(); // Get global `CacheStorage` instance
const defaultCache = caches.default;
const namedCache = await"name");
// Get Durable Object namespace and storage for ID
const TEST_OBJECT = await mf.getDurableObjectNamespace("TEST_OBJECT");
const id = TEST_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const storage = await mf.getDurableObjectStorage(id);
const server = await mf.createServer(); // Create http.Server instance
server.listen(8787, () => {});
const server2 = await mf.startServer(); // Create and start http.Server instance
const scheduler = await mf.startScheduler(); // Start CRON scheduler
await scheduler.dispose();
await mf.dispose(); // Cleanup storage database connections and watcher